Gael Force £50 Online Gift Voucher  £50.00

£50 Web Only
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How this voucher works:

  1. Vouchers will be created using the total order value (i.e. 3 vouchers at £10 each will be one £30 online voucher). Please state in the order instructions if multiple vouchers are required.
  2. When you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email - this will not contain the voucher code.
  3. The voucher code will be manually created and sent to the order email address separately.
    • The voucher code email will be sent as 'from' the name in the delivery address, i.e. "Bob sent you an e-gift card".

It can take up to 24 hours during weekdays, and 48 hours over a weekend for your voucher to be emailed.

If you have ordered a voucher alongside other items, your voucher code will be sent by email while the rest of your order will be delivered by courier.


Choosing a gift for a seafarer can sometimes be tricky, especially if you are unsure what they require. Don't live near one of our two stores? No problem! These web-only gift vouchers are the perfect solution.

This voucher is redeemable on our website only and is different from our physical gift vouchers to be used in-store.

The voucher is worth £50 and must be used in one order. No 'change' will be given. Valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.

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