Our Terms & Conditions apply to delivered orders as well as collection orders but please find specific terms for the Click & Collect service below:
Terms and Conditions of Click & Collect Service:
** We aim to fulfil orders within two working days of receipt of your order. Although we will make every effort to prepare your order as quickly as we can, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee same-day or next-day collection. This applies to in-stock items only. Out-of-stock items are not available to collect within this timescale.
** We want to ensure that your collection is smooth and free from any inconvenience. Therefore, we politely request that you do not visit our store to collect your order until you have received your 'Order Complete' email. This may be later than the time originally stated when you placed your order.
** If you have been waiting 3 full working days since you placed your order, please contact us by email (orders@gaelforcegroup.com) or by phone (01463 229400) to enquire about your order.
** Collections should be made by going to the Megastore shop counter. Address: 136 Anderson Street, Inverness, IV3 8DH, Scotland. The Megastore is open 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday. Orders cannot be collected outwith these days and times. Collection times are approximate.
** To help us locate your order quickly, you will need to bring your 'Order Complete' email to collect your order, either printed or visible on a personal device. You will also need to bring identification. We are under no obligation to release goods without sight of valid email confirmation and ID. If you are collecting restricted items (such as knives), your ID must reference your age.
** Your reservation will be held for a maximum of 7 days at which time we will return your order to stock and refund you. Should you intend to collect your order after this time has elapsed, you must inform us as soon as possible by email (orders@gaelforcegroup.com) or by phone (01463 229400).
** In the event that we cannot fulfil all or part of your order, we will contact you by telephone and you will be entitled to cancel all or part of your order.
** Collections are unavailable on certain days around Christmas and New Year. Please see our Christmas Opening Hours to find out when we are open during this period.
** Gael Force Marine reserves the right to amend this service to suit our customer's needs at any time.
Festive Period Amendments (2024-25):
** Orders will be processed as normal when Gael Force is open over the festive period, however, collection dates may vary.
** Orders will be processed on the following days: Monday 23rd (8am to 5pm), and Tuesday 24th Dec (8am to 12pm) before Christmas, and Friday 27th (8am to 4pm), Monday 30th (8am to 5pm), and Tuesday 31st Dec (before 12pm) before the New Year.
** Click and Collect orders placed after 12pm on Friday 20th December may not be available to collect until Friday 27th December. Please wait until you receive your 'Order Complete' email before visiting the shop as detailed above.
** Click and Collect orders placed after 12pm on Friday 27th December may not be available to collect until Friday 3rd January 2025. Please wait until you receive your 'Order Complete' email before visiting the shop as detailed above.
** Please visit our Christmas Opening Hours page to find out when the Inverness shop is open during the festive period. Outside of these hours, it will not be possible to collect your order.
** If you have any questions, please contact us by email (orders@gaelforcegroup.com) or by phone (01463 229400) to enquire about your order.